Once our country becomes over populated...are you willing to give up your standard of living so that even more can come here?Are you willing to lower your standard of living to accomodate those that are coming here ill*eg*ally?
No, I worked very hard and did without when I went to school
so that I would be able to better myself and give my children
everything they need and then some.......
I would say that I could leave the country if it came to that
but where would I go where I could have so many liberties,
freedoms, higher education, good jobs, able to speak freely,
demonstrate against my beautiful country with no reprocussions
well you know my drift......when I get to a different country
wave around my beautiful American Flag in protest and think
that I could get away with that. ONLY IN AMERICA
I will not give any more of myself and see nothing in return
when I take in strangers into my country........Are you willing to lower your standard of living to accomodate those that are coming here ill*eg*ally?
No The Sheriff in Phoenix is rounding them up putting them in jail %26amp; Immigration is deporting them of course they just come back cause the border sucks
well it's not like I'd willing give up luxuries, but theres no reason other people shouldn't have a fair shot, I'm an anarchist so I don't beleive in restricting where people can travel on the earth, that's just wrong
No! The illegal aliens need to be sent back to their country of origin. End of story!
Your question could be misleading, because it presumes that illegal immigrants automatically lower the standard of living of current U.S. citizens and legal residents. I am not convinced that is the case.
In fact, I would like to pose an issue for your consideration concerning immigration.
We hardly hear about the Social Security crisis anymore. But financial analysts estimate the system will be bust around 2025-2030. The reason? The payments to retirees are from the current workers' FICA payments. In other words, I am paying for my parent's generation of retirees and so on. With declining birthrates and people living longer, there are fewer workers to support the growing number of retirees. The immigrants (illegal or otherwise) are a benefit to the U.S. because they are paying into the system to support the retirees.
I don't know about you - but I'd like social security to be available to me in 2030 when I am due to reach retirement age. So, I say keep the workers coming...I'd just like to see the U.S. develop an efficient system to document more workers.
No standard changes here
No way.
HELL NO! Not like we have much of a choice, but I believe they are low enough and we need to take care of this problem NOW!!!
no i am not!
Hell no! I'm staying in my nice beautiful neighborhood and do the things i like to do.I ain't changing it especially not for no d#*mn illegals
No, plain and simple. I might not have much, but what I have '; I earned';, and no one will take it,,,!!!
how much lower can i go. these asho les take everything and it all free for them.
NO, But I am. My pay has drop so much. My husband can not find a job in the trades. It is impossible to live off of $10-$15.00. We wouldn't qualify for any aid. WE are Americans, will not be able to afford all this free loaders.
We have a huge illegal employer problem. We did just fine without the cheap labor before corporations started giving them a reason to come here. Illegals are human so I don`t think we should turn them away from hospitals.
Of course. Our higher power does not observe borders. You think Jesus will offer you praise for ';protecting your own?'; So Jesus is going to turn away children... illegal aliens, because their passports are invalid?
That said, the question has a false premise. Illegal aliens do improve the standard of living for most Americans. Unfortunately some are left behind... those people who have not adapted to the modern economy. The fact is... the American economy is maturing.
1) Our country is absolutely NOT over populated.
2) Illegal aliens provide cheap labor which means
A) Our vegetables cost less in supermarkets
B) Lower construction costs
I do respect the law, and I do want our borders to be enforced... but your argument really isn't thought out or logical. I also have compassion for illegal immigrants even if I don't want to allow them to bipass our laws.
If I grew up in Mexico... damn right, i'm going to do everything to move to America to provide a better life for my family. Legal immigration is not exactly easy... it's not exactly cheap... and it takes a long time. I don't encourage illegal immigration... but i'm not a hypocrite either.
People are not seeing it that way. They are not looking at the next generation. They are just looking at today. They do not see that for every Mexican that comes here they are gaining more power over this country and they ARE planning to take us over. And if we do not wake up it will happen and this country will really suck when it does.
no i'm not. i enjoy giving my kids what i never had. i work hard for what i have now. and i will not hand over nothing to any illegal no matter what color they are. this is Americans country not the illegals.
It depends on HOW MUCH I'd have to lower my SoL.
No, but do we even have a choice?
Nope. Sounds harsh I know but I dont think many would. People around the world could make their countries better places instead of leaving them. Our country has it wonderful compared to most of the world but it came at a hugh price. Many people died and overcame incredible adversary for us to live the way we do.
I dont think that illeagels coming in will over populate us. We have alot of room yet and immigrants have always played a important roll in the US.
Absolutely not!
Send those bloodsuckers back. I came here legally and contribute a lot in my part of the U.S. And I'm here defending this country now. Maybe Mexico's government should lower it's standard of living to accomodate it's citizens
There's your criminals!!
Yeah - the standard of living sure has declined since the first settlers in America illegally arrived and brought all the European diseases.
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