Friday, May 14, 2010

What would God think about a mentally ill person who murdered someone and refused to repent?

They don't give you much space to work with. I mean, a person who knew enough to know it was wrong, yet was truly mentally disturbed?What would God think about a mentally ill person who murdered someone and refused to repent?
If he truly accepted Jesus in a ';mentally disturbed'; way. He would go to heaven for all eternity and watch Nascar and eat funnel cakes and shaved ice.What would God think about a mentally ill person who murdered someone and refused to repent?
To answer yr question in bold, God dont really cares the murderer is mentally ill or normal, He has no time for that. The important thing is wat we think human beings think. Regardless wat punishments given to this murderer, he's always a loser in life.
.When God deals with a person regardless how they think or act, and they still don't repent well when they die they sure won't make Heaven their home. God gives EVERYBODY a chance to repent, and it's up to us to do so or suffer the punishment, which is are own decision.
What would he think
God knows our hearts and minds and I'm sure he would judge accordingly!

If you want to get into a big debate ask if it's really mental illness or demon possession! People can have evil spirits about them!
and still was conscious enough not to repent? ............ maybe not so mentally disturbed after all ............ and u can not ask us what God would think, u can only ask us what we think ........... He knows the best
It seems god often tells these people to commit the murder in the first place, well according to them.
This is one of the all time confused questions. You are coming from 7 directions on this one. What is your real question?

People who are mentally ill have reduced accountability or culpability before God, I think. Less intelligence equals less culpability. ---The same reason a child is less accountable than an adult in the eyes of God. I mean, cmon!

Space to work with? --!!?? Who said truly mentally ill people know right from wrong? They don't if they are really mentally ill. And if they aren't, why are you calling them that?

Your last sentence is incomplete and makes no sense, being half statement, half question.

Sister, we're all mentally disturbed, just look at what we do everyday. The thing is we need to repent, ask for forgiveness, and Jesus Christ to come into our hearts, but alot people don't, they just don't believe and that's sad.
I wouldn't know. It's not my place to judge.
It is a little difficult to explain so I won't go into a lot of detail, but man is a three part being, Body, soul, spirit. Mental illness lies in the soul (mind mostly) while our relationship to God lies entirely in the spirit. A person can be in any state in his mind and still have a relationship with God in his spirit that is equivelent to anyone else on the face of the earth. The soul cannot effect the spirit, but the spirit can have major effect on the soul. Judging from the actions of this (hypothetical) person I would say they do not have a spiritual relationship with God.
It bothers you doesn't it, that you know that one day you will have to answer to God for killing another person. Using the excuse that you are mentally sick will not work with God.

Why do you refuse to repent? Is it because you like living in sin? I feel sorry for you, you sick SOB
If they are truly mentally disturbed, then they lack the cognizant ability to make that decision.
The people who think wrong are run by Satan. They will burn in Hell. The Gospel says this plain. If you don;'t follow Jesus you will die too and suffer in Hell. Your black clothing is of Satan. Get down on your knees! Pray for foregvieness, and the Light of Jesus shalt shine down upon you.
God thinks that person is still open to His forgiveness even unrepentant.
I believe that every person who commits murder is mentally ill. You murder, you pay twice The state and by God

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