Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Someone I know and like is a Jehovah W. , and is very ill ..... would it be an insult to him for me to .......

would it be an insult to/for him for me to pray for him even though I'm Celtic in my ways, Serious answers only , I'm honestly struggling with this.................Someone I know and like is a Jehovah W. , and is very ill ..... would it be an insult to him for me to .......
No, a typical Jehovah's Witness would not be insulted by the sincere prayers of any person.

....(Romans 1:9) Without ceasing I always make mention of you in my prayers

....(Colossians 1:9) We, from the day we heard of it, have not ceased praying for you

....(2 Timothy 1:3) I never leave off remembering you in my [prayerful] supplications, night and day

However, a baptized Witness will not allow a non-Witness to represent him in prayer. In fact, a Witness will refrain from holding hands with those who join in the prayer led by a non-Witness, and may choose to not even bow his head during such a prayer.

The Bible teaches that a person can hope for God to hear his respectful prayer offered in faith. As a person grows in his knowledge of God's requirements, however, his prayers will increasingly submit to those requirements. Knowingly ignoring God's requirements can hinder one's prayers.

Jehovah God does listen to the sincere prayers of those with an incomplete knowledge of Him, but it is is a mistake to assume that He must listen to all prayer.

....(Isaiah 1:15-18) Even though you make many prayers, I am not listening; with bloodshed your very hands have become filled. Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the badness of your dealings from in front of my eyes; cease to do bad. Learn to do good; search for justice... Come, now, you people, and let us set matters straight between us,” says Jehovah

....(Matthew 21:22) And all the [proper] things you ask in prayer, having faith, you will receive.

Jehovah's Witnesses are careful to do three interesting things when they pray.

1. Witnesses pray from the heart, rather than repeating some rehearsed prayer..

....(Matthew 6:7-9) [Jesus said] But when praying, do not say the same things over and over again, just as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words. 8 So, do not make yourselves like them, for God your Father knows what things you are needing before ever you ask him. 9 “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified

2. Witnesses pray using the personal name of Jehovah.

....(Matthew 6:9) [Jesus said] You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified

....(Psalm 83:18) That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.

3. Jehovah's Witnesses pray in the name of Jesus Christ.

....(Ephesians 5:20) In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ giving thanks always for all things to our God and Father.

....(Colossians 3:17) And whatever it is that you do in word or in work, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through him.

....(1 Thessalonians 5:18) In connection with everything give thanks. For this is the will of God in union with Christ Jesus respecting you.Someone I know and like is a Jehovah W. , and is very ill ..... would it be an insult to him for me to .......
I don't know about insulting to _him_, but if you are not in the knowledge of Christ, then maybe God (I won't mention His name, since there is only one God and He knows who He is) won't accept your request.

It won't hurt to ask though. I am not He and I do not know how your request would be viewed.
Well the person you should ask is your friend. The gesture itself is loving. Whether or not your friend would want you to do it, is something he/she can answer best.

I am a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
An ';insult'; exists in the mind of the beholder. In other words, one person might consider it an act of tender kindness for you to pray for them even though you don't share their religious persuasion while a different person might consider it an offense as if you didn't respect their beliefs.

I would play it safe and pray for him without him knowing about it. Either that or tell him that you care about him and ask him first and see if it's OK.
If your faith is that weak then what's the sense?
The proper way to pray is to direct your prayer to Jehovah in the name of his Son, Jesus. Matt. 6:9; John 14:6.
Would you be praying to ...his...God, Jehovah, to help him?

If so, it is perfectly acceptable, because of your compassion.

And in doing so, you are saying that you consider Jehovah REAL. And that he has the power to help your friend.

It is not an insult.
I do not know anything about Celtic, but the only prayers that are effective are to Jehovah through Jesus, said Jesus, the Son of God,...just ask Jehovah and he will show you.
YES! By all means pray for him. That is exactly what he would appreciate.

I too am one of Jehovah's Witnesses........Agape! (Christian love)

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