Saturday, January 23, 2010

GORDON BROWN is going to clamp down on incapacity benefit,will it be the bogus claims or the genuinely ill hit

there are people who have never worked a day in thier lives claiming to be too ill for work pretending to have mental illness problems or bad backs because these are not easy to prove fraudulant, they are milking the system for all its worth,also there are those greedy sods who work and claim these benefits at the same time, i think we all know people who fall into these brackets i could name about 20 myself, these are the b@stards who should be hit with browns latest ploy for popularity but ill guarantee it wont be these crooks, itll be joe average, the poor guy who worked hard to support his family but has recently become ill that will be the target. Those who have been on the dole or sickness benefits for years have already been writen off by the government as a waste of time and they are just left to languish on benefits i know this for a fact as i have a friend who works for social services and he has told me the ins and outs of it so i dont believe a bloody word of it, do you?GORDON BROWN is going to clamp down on incapacity benefit,will it be the bogus claims or the genuinely ill hit
As I said in your other question.

You can be sure those that are milking the system for all its worth ,will continue to get everything,it will only be them that really need it who will be affected,sickening. More people should report benefit theft ,it's you they are stealing of.…GORDON BROWN is going to clamp down on incapacity benefit,will it be the bogus claims or the genuinely ill hit
Whenever this sort of action is taken, the majority of the people affected are the genuine cases unfortunately, the ';wide boys'; usually work out a way to avoid being hit.

It's easier to target the genuine, vulnerable cases, the people who probably feel guilty about taking the benefits anyway.
Neither, this government is good at spin but never enforces any of its' legislation
if you are really ill you should have nothing to fear i have emphysma caused througth welding 35 years would not be able to get to work if i tried get out of breathe getting up these people who are scrounging dump them in the army see how quick they are cured and get a job
Well said m8!
most ppl on IB are genuine. 40% of ppl on IB have mental health problems. stigma against mental health in workplace and lack of help from govt to get ppl with mental health probs into work makes it hard for them to get jobs. this is typical bash ppl at the bottom stuff. meanwhile fat cats with 6 figure salaries cheat us all out of millions of pounds of tax money, way way more than benefit cheats. they the real crooks
Yes I agree there are a lot of lazy scroungers out there, who if you look into there History, havent done a stich of work in there life. In most cases there wives are on it too.. As one of those Genuine people claiming taxable incapacity benefit because I suffer Heart and Liver problems and I am on a sht load of medication for life and my angina and general day to day health is up and down... sure Im worried some Idiot of a NHS doctor is going to tell me Im fit for work. Yes! if it is genuinely proven (ie drugs)you have a problem they should leave you alone to get on with life the best you can. What Mr Brown doesnt realise is, the implications this has on genuine claimants and the stress it causes.. I am 50 and I was medically discharged from my work by a works doctor. I have already been dragged to two tribunals where the Benefits officer was severely critisised for having brought me there in the first place, wasting my time and theres, when it was clearly obvious I was unfit to work...

No I agree there are a lot of people who just dont want to work and a lot of people feining illness with mental health and back problems, but lets tread carefully, there are still a lot of people out there who genuinely cannot work because of illness, like myself. I would rather be 100% fit and working than feel like a bag of sht most days, because of my illness and drugs...Ps none of my conditions are self inflicted. My liver cannot break down fats in my blood...ive had a heart attack because of it and continual heart problems. I am on the highest fat busting drugs available and numerous heart/angina medication. The medication alone has serious tolls on my day to day living....You can swop with me anyday mate? ok.!! ..and tell that Social Service friend of yours, he needs to re-evaluate there life and be thankfull they have there health, it might happen to them one day.. Gordon Brown needs to get this Policy and the criteria boundary`s right or a lot of people and there families are going to suffer financial hardships...
It's going to be unavoidable that some genuinely ill people will be hit. There are a lot of shirkers out there who need to be sorted, but I feel for those who are really ill and will be bullied and stressed by these new clamp-downs.
Given his lack of ability to organise a p1ss up in a brewary it will be the genuine cases, ie the man who can barely walk because his back is shot who is sent to fill a vacancy in the fire brigade while the terminally feckless people who claim that they cant work because it would interfere with their drinking habit who get away with it

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