More than 100 limmigrants and activists gathered in four locations in New Brunswick and Highland Park last Wednesday for a national immigration teleconference with Rep. Luis Gutierrez D-Ill.
The local participants were among about 60,000 people nationwide who participated in the call, which was part of the Reform Immigration FOR America Campaign.
Reynalda Cruz, an immigrant and city resident, said she was heartened by the call.
';Because we realize we are not alone here and that we have someone supporting us with what is known as the reform movement,'; Cruz said, speaking through an intepreter. ';And the big impression overall is we're going to fight for what we want.';
Gutierrez plans to introduce a comprehensive immigration-reform bill next month. The campaign is designed to mobilize immigrants and supporters to call their members of Congress and participate in rallies and other events in January in support of the bill.
Lorena Gaibor, program director for the Unity Square Partnership, a neighborhood revitalization project of the Church of the Sacred Heart and Catholic Charities Diocese of Metuchen, said immigrants are sometimes afraid to call their members of Congress out of fear they might face immigration consequences.
';I know that people are desperate for change and that's why we pulled this meeting together: To give people an outlet to express themselves to have their voices heard by their representatives,'; she said.
The campaign is calling for a multi-pronged approach to immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, health and safety rights and regulations for immigrant workers, and a reduction of the backlog many say they face when moving through the immigration process.
Louis Kimmel, director of operations and membership at New Labor, a nonprofit group that advocates for immigrants and low-wage workers, said border security is also part of the solution, but he said that's not enough.
';We're looking for a realistic solution to a problem,'; he said. ';...Deporting everyone or closing off the borders is not a realistic solution.';Organizers also hope to put a human face on the issue by telling the stories of immigrants.
Jose Villanueva, an organizer at New Labor, said many immigrant families want stronger protections to keep children and parents together when some members of the family are American citizens and some are not.
Cruz, a mother of three, said noncitizen children also face challenges obtaining post-secondary education.
';I have three kids myself and they were born here, so next year one of them is going to Rutgers,'; she said. ';But my kids have a lot of opportunities that the kids who were not born here but who are living here and grew up here can't have.';
Cruz is hopeful that President Obama will keep his campaign promise to reform the immigration system, but she knows such a bill would face stiff opposition.
';So we need a little pressure of the people so the congressmen and senators feel that immigration reform is needed,'; she said. Rep. Luis Gutierrez D-Ill advocates, gear up for nationwide drive to reform laws will this make any?
Rep. Luis Gutierrez this man has used our tax dollars working on granting amnesty to millions of illegals, giving millions of illegals up to age 35 a free college education aka dream act.This Rep. Luis Gutierrez if you look at his record ,you would think he represents the country of Mexico as he has not done very much for Americans and does not have any interests in helping Americans. It seems like Rep. Luis Gutierrez might be on Mexico's payroll as much lobbying as he is doing for them. All Rep. Luis Gutierrez can talk about is giving illegals amnesty,giving illegals the dream act,giving illegals health care, giving illegals, mortages, giving illegals drivers licenses, giving illegals everything. But I ask this, when is the last time Rep. Luis Gutierrez was actually working for American citizens ?With Rep. Luis Gutierrez D-Ill advocates, gear up for nationwide drive to reform laws will this make any?
The harder he pushes the harder the American people will push back. The true unemployment rate is over 17%, no amnesty is possible.
While this sounds hopeful,i decesion think anything will happen,the Dems N Obama r the same as the Republicans,They left the borders open so as to get cheap labor,n they want to keep it that way,if they legalise everyone then no more cheap labor.Its been almost 15 yrs since the last major immigration bill to legalise illegals,the only way is to down tools n let Obama n congress know they cant scapegoat human beings,as far as i see Obama is worse than Bush,just look at the 1000 audits being carried out.He is a sweet talker n a yes man,no wonder he cant make up his mind on any major descesion,so lets see what happens
Maricopa County and Sason said it all .
Congress should enforce and strengthen our existing laws against illegal aliens and not find ways to give them more free rides. I agree, what is he doing for legal tax payers that fund his ';dreams'; ? I want to know
who's payroll is he really on .!!......
It will if we don't come up with a counter campaign.
Amnesty is wrong. The Dream Act is wrong. Birthright citizenship is wrong.
These people knowingly broke the law for no other reason than they wanted more %26amp; better.
Everything they want is available in their own country, but they can get it faster %26amp; easier over here.
That is not a reason to give them amnesty.
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