she was born 7lb 8 ounces...shes nearly 6 months old and was 14lb3 on the 9th March then she was ill for 2 weeks as she had a really bad viral infection and refused to take any fluids so was tube fed in hospital for days but was still bringing most of it up, thankfully shes ok now but shes now 13lb 3 so lost a whole pound last month! :( shes drinking 33ounces a day formula now and having 2 solids a day - do you think she will she catch up on her percentile chart to where she should be? i dont know how i can really help except offering her as much formula as possible?!My daughter was ill in hospital 2 weeks last month - she lost a pound - will she regain weight quick?
I'm sorry to know your kid was unwell %26amp; happy to know she is fine now. Dont worry she will gain weight gradually but dont overfeed her too.My daughter was ill in hospital 2 weeks last month - she lost a pound - will she regain weight quick?
she will catch up.unless she continues to get sick.when is her next doc visit?she should be due for her 6mth shots. is she good to go for that?just do as you are doing to get the weight up a a few days old my daughter had to get a few oz back up,her birth what i done i would feed her every few hours so she would drink close to 4oz.and it if you're concern call your pediactric and ask them what you're saying to us.
she wil be fine, just keep feeding her the way you have been.
Sure she will, my daughter was ill before Christmas, lost a bit of weight but put it back on at the same pace as she did before illness. Your little one drinks plenty of formula, I'm not sure what you are giving her in terms of solids, but I would give something like bananas and avocado, lots of healthy calories. Don't try to give her more milk and food than she actually wants, just relax, her weight is still perfectly fine. Mine is almost 9 months, just over 17lb, crawling all over the place and trying to walk (mainly using my leg to steady herself :). Good luck and enjoy the spring :)
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