Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Plz help me , why was my bf ill treating me n now after my last mesg, will he cm back? help for his psychology

My bf told me in june tht he doesnt feel the same for me anymore. i said ok fine.Then gradually the relation took a turn coz he saw me dancing with a handsome guy n he sent abusive text mesgs n even askd me to hav sex with him n tht i feel happy in tht guy's arms. Then he stopped talking to me but near august he started sending mesgs telling me tht im very famous in boys n they say im a cheap girl. he guided me not to go out often n wear such n such clothes.Then he gave me his new cell no which i never asked for but still continued to send suc mesgs. Last monday he asked me where i was n came to see me from a distance coz i was looking very beautiful but he sent a mesg tht im a cheap girl. I said gudbye mesgd gudbye, he mesgd he doesnt care but sent a forward mesg too. now i hav sent him a mesg tht i dont hav any feelings for him suddenly, i dont miss him n he isnt tht innocent guy i always wanted to be with .i was blind but now im not. NOW GUIDE ME WILL HE FEEL FOR ME WHAT HE LOSTPlz help me , why was my bf ill treating me n now after my last mesg, will he cm back? help for his psychology
He doesn't want you, but he doesn't want anybody else wanting you either. This doesn't mean he loves you. Nope. Something is just really wrong with his mind. He's a psycho alright.... because he's trying to manipulate your mind and preventing you from moving on. Change your phone number.... or do everything you can to cut off any form of communication completely..... this guy is sick in the head. Don't send mixed messages... don't say you don't want him anymore, but then you giggle... you know what I mean?Plz help me , why was my bf ill treating me n now after my last mesg, will he cm back? help for his psychology
You know that there is a spell checker on here.
Sure sounds like to sorry he let you go but if he gave you a phone just to hassle you by text then put the phone in the bin.

But text him first to tell what you are going to do lol
it's the bottom of the ninth, two down, nobody on, the batter steps up to the plate.....

If u wish to treat love as a cheap institution, it will unfold as such.

Give to it what it's worth, you will get what you want. It's either that, or call Springer, maybe he'll teach you to dance.
I can't plow through this whole post, but from what I did read of it he sounds like a control freak. Just stay away from him.
Call the cops, report him and get a new cell phone! This type of activity is stalking and harassment and you don't have to take it.
girl, the only guidance i can give u is for u to stay away from that wacko!!
how come you can spell psycology but your essay'; makes no sense

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