Wednesday, January 13, 2010

If gays are mentally ill, would God consider all mentally ill people sinners?

Some people say that Gay people are the way they are because they are mentally ill and that being gay is a sin. If so, then are people who have depression or bi-polar disorders sinners as well? Will all mentally ill people not enter the kingdom of heaven? Are they not all God's creation?If gays are mentally ill, would God consider all mentally ill people sinners?
No, I think it says in the Bible that insane people are forgiven.

And I don't think it says specifically that being gay is a sin, or that you will go to hell for it. It doesn't even specifically say that Sodomites were gay.If gays are mentally ill, would God consider all mentally ill people sinners?
Back in the 1970s a knew a gay couple that lived down the hall from me and they were not mentally ill at all. Their problem was that they felt like doing it, so they did. If they were more religious they hopefully would have just controlled themselves. So they would/could get to heaven as the Bible/God has told us to do.
All sinners are mentally ill. Gay, straight, asexual, ______. Humans are depraved sinners, which no longer use their mental faculties in the way God created them to do so.
No they are not sinners. If they are in fact mentally ill then its not their fault because they cannot help it.

Its like saying someone with a disease like aids is a sinner.

People cannot help being ill.
I should think that sin is determined by someone's actions or inactions, not by the state in which they find themselves.
Gay people are not mentally ill. That is simply evangelical propaganda.
They aren't mentally ill.
ive never heard anyone say gays are mentally ill, and if anyone does they are just homophobes really :P
Since theism itself is delusion, this would be a problem.
Everyone's a sinner.

To be otherwise we'd be Christ. He was the only sinless one.
Don't make things up. Being bi-polar or having a disorder is not a sin. John and Jimmy doing sexual things is a sin.

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